Used Car Paint Check – Reasonable Used Car Inspection Price Start From RM200

Intro About Used Car Body Paint Check Service

The used car body paint check and inspect service is a popular service in the car inspection price and service list. Generally, the used car body paint inspecting task is an important car inspection process. This is because the body paint of the second-hand car will content a lot of reference info which is useful for reviewing the condition of the car. Thus, a professional used car inspection officer will carry on a very detail car body paint checking process.

As a reference, the used car inspection price which is starting from RM200 is commonly include the body paint checking service. So, car checking officer will collect more info and data to prepare a more detail report for the car buyer.

Why Check The Used Car Body Paint?

The car inspecting specialist will check the used car body paint because the paint condition will tell the actual condition of the used car. As an example, a car which has accident history, the car body will go through restore and repaint process. Hence, the car body which has big section of restore spot will guide the inspecting officer to suspect the car accident history.

How To Identify The Used Car Which Has Accident History?

The used car body inspection officer will try to analyze the damage level according to the section which has been restored and repainted. Normally, the car body frame, panel and structure restore work will not have perfect restoring result. Additionally, the car body restore work will leave minor putty mark, welding spot and polish line. Hence, the car body checking officer will refer these marking and spot to speculate the damage level of the car body and the impact of accident.

Second-hand Car Body Paint Checking Process And Method

The car body paint inspecting officer will use the following method to check the condition of the paint layer.

  • Light reflective effect
  • Touch and feel
  • Review the repaint color tone and color different

Besides, some professional used car body paint inspecting process will use the material composite scanner to detect the existing of the putty. Hence, the officer will able to collect more data and do a more detail report.

how to check the used car body paint

Check The Paint Layer In The Car Engine Bay

Besides checking the exterior layer, used car body paint check specialist will also check the engine bay. This is because the engine bay will have restore mark if the restore work is not done in detail. In other words, the car body restore workshop will try the best to restore the condition of the car exterior.

However, the engine bay frame and structure restore work will commonly leave a lot of rough and imperfect spot. This is because the engine bay has a lot of car mechanical and engine part, thus the workspace is narrow. Furthermore, some car body restore workshop will reduce the detail level of the restore work at the engine bay section. As a result, the engine bay will have a lot of imperfect spots if the car has serious accident history. Thus, used car body paint check specialist will to inspect the engine bay in order to speculate the accident impact.

Why Car Buyer Prefer Original Paint Instead Of New Repaint Car Body?

This is because an used car which has full original paint layer is indicating that the car does not have serious accident history. In other words, the car body need to repaint if the accident has cause serious damage on the car body. So, repaint car body will hardly get positive review from the used car buyer if the paint check process is done in detail.

Estimated Price For Used Car Body Paint Checking Service

The workshop and car body paint check specialist will prepare the price list and package selections for the car buyers. Hence, the car buyers can refer the listing to estimate the price for a used car body paint check service.

used car paint check and inspection

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