Alza Absorber Price And Repairing Service Start From RM205

Perodua Alza Absorber Price

The Perodua Alza absorber price is at moderate level. Thus, moderate Perodua Alza absorber price is one of the reason why Alza is an low maintenance MPV. Generally, the Alza absorber price is ranging in between RM205-350 per pair. Normally, the front absorber will cost higher than the rear absorber. On the other hand, the full set absorber pack which consist front and rear absorbers is cheaper.

Info About Alza Absorber Function

The absorber is a mechanical which will help to stop the bouncing effect of the suspension spring. When the Alza is on rough surface or bump, the spring will try to make sure the tyres are on the road surface. Thus, the suspension spring will either extend its length or compress itself. So, the spring will keep on bouncing after that. Thus, the Alza suspension will has the absorber to absorb the bouncing force of the spring. This is because the Alza absorber has a mechanical part which will convert the spring kinetic energy to become heat via resistance.

As a result, Alza will not become less bumpy and has better handling performance. Furthermore, the passenger in this MPV will be comfort and secure.

Symptom When Car Absorber Is Having Problem

Commonly, a failure Alza absorber or bad condition suspension will cause the symptom as below:

  • Bumpy Ride

This is because the absorber cannot fully function absorb the spring bouncing force. Thus, Alza will become bumpy when moving on rough surface or making turn.

  • Liquid Leakage At The Absorber

If the absorber has malfunction parts, the liquid such as oil may leak out from the absorber. This is because the absorber seal is degrading or damage.

  • Uneven Tyre Wear

When the absorber is not in good condition, the tyre wear will become uneven. This is because the absorber and spring cannot effectively increase the tyre and road surface contact. Thus, the certain part of tyre will wear more serious than the other parts.

  • More Body Roll

Malfunction Alza absorber will cause more or abnormal body roll. This is because the spring and absorber cannot balance the bouncing effect nicely.

Repair or Replace Car Absorber Onsite

There more and more demand for onsite Alza absorber repairing or replacement service. This is because Alza is a popular and practical MPV for city drive. Thus, the Alza owners or users will have more busy schedule and daily activities. So, most of the Alza owners wish the mechanic will able to visit their home or office to diagnose and repair the absorber problem. Furthermore, they also wish the mechanic can install a new absorber for Alza onsite.

The Reference List About Alza Absorber Price

  • Original Perodua Alza Absorber(Rear): RM205-235
  • Perodua Ori Absorber (Front): RM305-345
  • 4pcs Full Set Perodua Ori Absorber: RM470-520
  • KYB Perodua Alza Absorber(Rear): RM215-250
  • Front KYB Absorber: RM250-285
  • Full Set 4pcs KYB Myvi Absorber: RM465-530

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